

($800 Half Day/ $1100 Full Day)

Thanks to the Bloodline’s speed and the fortunate availability of sharks in relative close range to Montauk, we are able to offer more than one standardized option for targeting these apex predators. Unlike most charter boats, Bloodline Sportfishing affords customers the choice of choosing between half and full day shark trips.

During the dead of summer and early fall when water temperatures are at their warmest, a wide variety of shark species can be found in under 10 miles from the beach ranging from the familiar blues, makos and threshers up to more exotic hammerheads, tigers, sandbars* and duskies*. Occasionally we’ll encounter juvenile great whites* as well. This is the ideal window when 5hr half day trips are most feasible. The majority of the time, however, Bloodline Sportfishing recommends booking a full day (up to 10hrs) outing if you’re serious about sharking; especially if you’re hoping to bring back a keeper mako or thresher for the table.

Full day trips afford us the luxury of running wherever we need to locate the ‘sharkiest’ conditions possible. After all, the ideal sea surface temperatures, water clarity, and presence of bait isn’t always a hop, skip and a jump from the dock. Full days also allow for longer drifts and extended chum dispersion which gives us a better shot at repeated hookups and thus increased odds battling a trophy or grill worthy fish.

(Species listed with asterisk * are federally protected and illegal to retain)
